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Odoo - Sample 1 for three columns

A woman rides the beast

In Revelation 17, the Apostle John describes in great detail the characteristics of a false church that will be the partner of the Antichrist. Was he describing the Roman Catholic Church? To answer that question, Dave Hunt spent years gathering research and indisputable historical documentation (primarily Catholic sources) providing information not generally available.

Odoo - Sample 2 for three columns

America: the Sorcerer's New Apprentice

Is America at the threshold of a glorious "rebirth" into planetary enlightenment, peace, and brotherhood? Or have we, as "forward-thinking" Americans in our search for higher levels of human potential, opened a spiritual Pandora's box? Originally written as a tool to educate and inform non-believers of the dangers of the New Age movement, this timely reprint of Dave Hunt's classic 1988 work will astound you all over again with its ground-breaking revelations and prophetic implications.

Odoo - Sample 3 for three columns

An Urgent Call to a Serious Faith  

The awesome sense of the greatness of God and the cosmic and eternal proportions of the work that He is doing seems largely absent from Christianity today. Could this be why so many carry the self-imposed burdens of man-made “programs” they are trying to put into effect in order to “live victorious lives” or to “advance the cause of Christ”?

Odoo - Sample 1 for three columns

Calvin's Dilemma  

Drawn from Dave Hunt’s masterful work on Calvinism, this book provides an invaluable and highly accessible examination of one of the most hotly debated topics among evangelicals today. Calvinism refuses to accept what so many great evangelists have recognized is vital. In Calvin's Dilemma, Dave Hunt skillfully demonstrates the essential balance that is missing  thus bridging the divide biblically. 

Odoo - Sample 2 for three columns

Cosmos, Creator and Human Destiny  

Cosmos is a book that every Christian can and should read; comforting and confidence-boosting for believers, convicting and catastrophic to the skeptic’s worldview. It is a soul-arresting work that strikes to the heart of the human condition and man-centered philosophy. With shatterproof logic, it runs the arguments of atheists upon themselves, while at the same time graciously illuminating the irrefutable evidence of providence and design in every "corner" of the cosmos.

Odoo - Sample 3 for three columns

Countdown to the Second Coming  

At last, a book that presents in a concise manner the events leading up to the return of Christ, Dave Hunt, in his characteristic direct style, answers these pervasive questions: Who is the Antichrist? How will he be recognized? What current events indicate that we really are in the last days of the "last days"?

Odoo - Sample 1 for three columns

Death of a Guru  

Rabi R. Maharaj came from a long line of Brahmin priests and gurus and trained as a yogi. He meditated for many hours each day, but gradually disillusionment set in. He describes Hindu life and custom, vividly and honestly tracing his difficult search for meaning and his struggle to choose between Hinduism and Christianity.

Odoo - Sample 2 for three columns

Debating Calvinism  

Calvinism has been a topic of intense discussion for centuries. In this lively debate, two passionate thinkers (Dave Hunt & James White) take opposite sides, providing valuable responses to the most frequently asked questions about Calvinism. 

Odoo - Sample 3 for three columns

Global Peace and the Rise of Antichrist  

Is the world on the verge of receiving a new savior who will lead an unsuspecting global community to destruction - or is the Antichrist an outdated bit of biblical imagery? Noted author and researcher Dave Hunt provides the solid scriptural outlook on current events that you've been waiting for!

Odoo - Sample 1 for three columns

God of the Untouchables  

Everyone who has been tempted to turn to the East for enlightenment, who has been intrigued by Eastern Mysticism, who is thinking of trying Eastern Meditation, should read this book - proof that Jesus Christ is still the only answer to the world's problems. 

Odoo - Sample 2 for three columns

A Calvinist's Honest Doubts Resolved  

Based on years of actual accounts and conversations, readers will become familiar with the key issues of Calvinism in a unique format that reads like a real-life drama, because the characters are composites of actual individuals, and the circumstances are equally real. Excerpted from Dave Hunt's best-selling book What Love Is This?.

Odoo - Sample 3 for three columns

How Close Are We?  

In a refreshing, thoroughly Biblical, and compelling look at prophecy, noted author Dave Hunt challenges readers to evaluate their lives in light of Christ's promise, "I will come again." You'll be motivated to share the good news with others, encouraged by God's sovereign plan for His followers, and renewed in your love and commitment to the Lord.

Odoo - Sample 1 for three columns

In Defense of the Faith  

When confronted with uncomfortable questions from atheists and agnostics, cultists and pagans, or skeptics and mystics, do your once-firm convictions begin to crumble and compromise? Do you tend to take flight - or instead, are you able to stand firm and "earnestly contend for the faith?" With the keen eye of an experience treasure hunter, Dave Hunt helps readers probe and unearth the incredible wealth of guidance found in God's Word. 

Odoo - Sample 2 for three columns

Calvin's Tyrannical Kingdom

Calvin has been acclaimed as a godly example who based his theology and actions upon Scripture alone. But in fact, much he did was unbiblical - though entirely consistent with his belief system. Is not this sufficient reason to examine the doctrines of Calvinism carefully from Scripture? Excerpted from Dave Hunt's best-selling book What Love Is This?.

Odoo - Sample 3 for three columns

Judgment Day! Islam, Israel, and the Nations

Drawing parallels between the land for peace appeasement of Hitler prior to his systematic extermination of more than 6 million Jews and today's strategy of the nations united against Israels is not difficult, but Dave Hunt goes much deeper than that. With painstaking clarity and detail, Judgement Day! reveals the accent agenda against the Jews and traces it's twisted tail to modern-day deceptions of U.S. Presidents, foreign ambassadors, covert and overt military operations, business-people, educators, and world leaders alike.

Odoo - Sample 1 for three columns

Mind Invaders - A Novel

Discovering the CIA and Russian Intelligence's battle for psychic control, famed journalist Carla Bertelli delves into the power behind the Archons. Convinced they are benevolent, she is devastate when Ken renounces the paranormal and embraces Christianity. Torn between love for Ken and contempt for his "demons theory," Carla plunged into a search for the truth that becomes a desperate race against time... 

Odoo - Sample 2 for three columns

Occult Invasion  

As this reprint of the best-selling 1998 first edition documents, today's popular obsession with spiritual revolution, "societal transformation," paranormal activity, and "supernatural" signs and wonders has not just appeared magically by chance. The world and the church are clearly being prepared for some great event - but what? When? Why? And by whom? 

Odoo - Sample 3 for three columns

Peace, Prosperity, and the Coming Holocaust  

In this timely reprint of Dave Hunt's 1983 work, the author holds a remarkably steady balance between history and Biblical prophecy that has withstood the test of time. The Bible declares that a one-world government and universal New Age religion are coming. Readers will gain valuable insight for today - and tomorrow - from a fascinating perspective Dave Hunt calls "a contrary scenario."

Odoo - Sample 1 for three columns

Psychology and the Church  

Have believers compromised their God-given "birthright" by accepting counterfeit solutions to emotional and spiritual issues that are common to man? So prevalent is the use of psychotherapy among Christians today that many pastors themselves are either licensed therapists or are the greatest source of referrals to professional counselors. The purpose of this book is not to attack or condemn evangelicals who are practicing psychotherapists or those who have been helped by what is commonly known as "Christian Psychology." Rather this volume acknowledges the value of believers bearing one another burdens through prayer, fellowship, and the Word of God. 

Odoo - Sample 2 for three columns

Sanctuary of the Chosen  - A Novel

Set during the height of the Cold War, Dave Hunt's second novel focuses on the secret world of global warfare - not only between East and West, but for the ultimate control of planet Earth. Readers will be captivated by this heart-racing, history based drama which masterfully weaves the perils of international politics with Bible prophecy and spine-chilling manifestations of our spiritual battle. This captivating novel brings the shadowy world of undercover espionage, international intrigue, and demonic deception into razor-sharp focus - in a thrilling plot that could just as easily have been set in present day. 

Odoo - Sample 3 for three columns

Seeking and Finding God  

It is astonishing how many millions of seemingly intelligent people are willing to risk their eternal destiny upon less evidence than they would require for buying a car or even a low-carb food item - yet the belief of so many, particularly in the area of religion, has no rational or factual foundation. With well researched arguments and compelling proof, this book demonstrates that the issue of where one will spend eternity is not a mater of preference. In fact there is overwhelming evidence that we are eternal beings who will spend eternity somewhere. But where will it be? And how can we know? There is no more important question to be faced - and answered.

Odoo - Sample 1 for three columns

The Power of the Spirit  

This special commemorative edition of The Power of the Spirit by William Law was compiled and edited by Dave Hunt nearly 50 years ago while he was living in Lausanne, Switzerland. Readers will appreciate the introduction, which communicates Dave's gratitude for classic Christian literature  writings that powerfully impacted his faith and served as inspiration for his own persuasive way of thinking, writing, and speaking biblically. As Dave notes in the introduction, "Law's writings declare with an irresistible power and logic that Christianity is indeed founded upon unchangeable truth."

Odoo - Sample 2 for three columns

The Seduction of Christianity  

The Seduction of Christianity will not appear as a frontal assault or oppression of our religious beliefs. Instead it will come as the latest fashionable philosophies to make us happier, healthier, better educated, and even more spiritual. A compelling look at the times in which we live and a clear call to every believer to choose between the original and counterfeit. 

Odoo - Sample 3 for three columns

To Russia with Love  

The true story of Hans Kristian as told to Dave Hunt. TBC is grateful them both for the privilege of preserving this remarkable testimony of God's faithfulness to those who willingly forsake all and take up the cross daily to fulfill our Lord's great commission. It is our prayer that this valuable historical record will inspire a new generation of Spirit-filled missionaries to "go... and teach all nations" the good news of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Odoo - Sample 1 for three columns

T.U.L.I.P. and the bible  

After years of popular demand, TBC is pleased to offer this resource, designed to help believers navigate the confusing and conflicting views surrounding the Five Points of Calvinism, commonly know by the acronym T.U.L.I.P. Excerpted from Dave Hunt's best-selling book What Love Is This?.

Odoo - Sample 2 for three columns

What Love is This?  

Discussions with many people around the world reveal that multitudes of sincere, Bible-believing Christians are "Calvinists" only by default. It takes only a few simple questions to discover the fact that most of those who regard themselves as Calvinists are largely unaware of what John Calvin and his early followers of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries actually believed and practice. Nor do they fully understand what most of today's leading Calvinists believe. What Love Is This? exposes the true beliefs of Calvinism and addresses all the issues surrounding this doctrine.

Odoo - Sample 3 for three columns

Whatever Happened to Heaven?  

"There shall come in the last days scoffers, waking after their own [desires]... saying where is the promise of His coming? For since the fathers fell asleep, things continue as they were from the beginning of creation." 2 Peter 3:3-4 Best selling author Dave Hunt probes the question "whatever happened to heaven?" thoroughly and provides an easily understandable explanation of all the many issues and beliefs. Hunt shows us that heaven really is our home and brings fascinating new clarity to why we lost that hope and how it can be regained.

Odoo - Sample 1 for three columns

Yoga and the Body of Christ  

Promising to bring peace, healing, and wholeness (even prosperity!) to its practitioners, readers will be shocked to find that yoga is, in fact, based on the worship of (and prepares participants for supernatural connection with) unholy spirits that manifest in extraordinary and dangerous ways. Every Christian should be informed of the true origins and effects of the practice of yoga and its ungodly roots in Kundalini energy- which, literally defined, means an awakening of "Serpent Power."

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