One Day at a Time Devotional

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  • Item# B08007
  • ISBN: 9781988627007
  • Author: William MacDonald
  • Publisher: Gospel Folio Press
  • Size: 384 pp, hardback.

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There's no better way to start the day than with an encouraging  portion from God's Word. Each daily meditation is just a page long, but each scripture is presented in a fresh way as William MacDonald stirs the heart to practical devotedness to the Lord.

One way to ensure that our days on earth count for God is to fill our minds and hearts with the "engrafted Word" that we might grow by it.

These invigorating meditations on the Scriptures from the crisp, Christ-exalting writings of William MacDonald are not intended to replace the daily reading of the Word, but to stimulate your thinking in Scripture, and, by God's grace, to help you apply the truth to your daily walk.