How to Protect Your Child From the New Age...

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  • Item# B36631
  • ISBN: 9780984636631
  • Author: Berit Kjos
  • Publisher: Lighthouse Trails, 2013
  • Size: 328 pp, paperback.

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Tempting voices beckon to children everywhere. Schools, movies, music, and books all sound the call: "Come, dream, trust Self, you are divine, create your own reality, build a new world. Anything goes, for sin and guilt exist only in the minds of the antiquated 'religious.'"

Today's assault on biblical Christianity is fast undermining God's moral and spiritual boundaries. It invites chaos rather than unity—coercion instead of freedom—war and violence instead of peace—and ultimately overtakes today's children with the plan to turn them into "progressive" transformation leaders of tomorrow.

How can we equip our children so they do not become spiritually deceived and fall into this worldwide agenda? There is an answer! We can teach our children to know Truth, so they will discern the counterfeit. And we can teach them how to spot the New Age/New Spirituality and to understand the serious implications that occur when it is embraced.

Bert Kjos is a respected researcher, the author of many books and magazine articles, and a concerned parent (and grandparent) who has extensively studied religious trends, today's social changes, the roots and branches of the United Nations, the rising worldwide management system, and—most alarming of all—the transformation of the church. Berit first became aware of New Age and occult influences in our society at a 1974 conference on holistic health. As a registered nurse, she was interested in methods of healing but soon discovered that the occult powers found in New Age methods brought bondage instead of true healing.