To Russia With Love
- Item# B60361
- ISBN: 9781928660361
- Author: Dave Hunt
- Publisher: The Berean Call, 2005
- Size: 224 pp, paperback.
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The true story of Hans Kristian as told to Dave Hunt.
"I warn you that the following pages will change your thinking and perhaps your life. Much will seem unbelievable - but it is all true. If you are an atheist or skeptic, your belief that God does not exist will be shaken and quite possibly shattered. If you are not a Christian you will perhaps become one, as so many others have through reading this true story. And if you are a Christian, your faith will be strengthened and your life challenged. Whoever you are, you cannot help but be moved, both in sorrow and in joy.... This is not the story of Dave Hunt - I am only the narrator. It is Hans Kristian's story, and I have told it in the first person so that you can experience it just the way he lived it." Dave Hunt
The Berean Call is grateful to Dave Hunt and Hans Kristian for the privilege of preserving this remarkable testimony of God’s faithfulness to those who willingly forsake all and take up the cross daily to fulfill our Lord’s great commission. It is our prayer that this valuable historical record will inspire a new generation of Spirit-filled missionaries to “go...and teach all nations” the good news of the Gospel of Christ Jesus.
Originally titled Mission Possible (1975). Published in 1987 by Harvest House with the title of SECRET INVASION!