Occult Invasion

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  • Item# B60606
  • ISBN: 1928660606
  • Author: Dave Hunt
  • Publisher: The Berean Call, 2010
  • Size: 647 pp, paperback.

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As this timely reprint of the best-selling 1998 first edition powerfully documents, today’s popular obsession with spiritual revolution, “societal transformation,” paranormal activity, and “supernatural” signs and wonders has not just magically appeared by chance. The world and the church are clearly being prepared for some great event—but what? when? why? and by whom? Today, children and adults alike are faced with an endless barrage of “supernatural” violence and sexualized content designed to assault the senses—not merely for titilation, but for transformation of values, beliefs, and lifestyles. Dave Hunt documents and exposes this false dichotomy of “darkness” and “light” that is not only deceiving the world—but countless believers in the professing evangelical church.

Occult Invasion is also available as a Kindle book at Amazon.