To Russia With Love DVD

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  • Item# DVD195
  • Author: Dave Hunt
  • Publisher: The Berean Call, 2010
  • Size: 1 DVD, 1 hr.

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In 2006, Dave traveled 180 kilometers north of Moscow to Vladimir, Russia, to speak to a gathering of pastors and young men and women who desired to minister throughout that area of the country. He was accompanied on this mission trip and assisted by TBC’s executive director, T. A. McMahon, who brought along a video camera to record the event. This video documentary provides glimpses (some of them quite humorous) into what Dave experiences when he ministers around the world. The central message he gives, titled At What Cost a Bride?, will touch your heart. Dave underscores the overwhelming love of God, reflected in Christ’s payment for the sins of mankind.

T. A. McMahon notes: “I have listened to most of Dave’s messages over the last three decades and I can’t think of one that is more powerful or more perceptive in revealing God’s heart for those whom He has created. It’s not just about what redemption cost Jesus but also what it cost His Father. Dave gives us a wonderful insight into that ‘unfathomable love’ which the believer will be pondering and enjoying for eternity.”