Seducing Spirits and Doctrines DVD

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  • Item# DVD301
  • Author: Dave Hunt
  • Publisher: The Berean Call, 2010
  • Size: 1 DVD, 1.7 hrs.

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Volume One of the Dave Hunt Classic Video Series

Speaking at Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa, Dave begins: “I don’t know how much thought you have given to this, but devils have doctrines. They’re very consistent. You can travel around the world as I have done and investigate this sort of thing, and you will find that the same message comes out of Ouija boards...mediums...hypnotic trances...LSD trips...the so-called space brothers of UFOs...and it is very consistent.” Dave launches from 1 Timothy 4:1, giving examples of materials dictated by seducing spirits, containing doctrines of devils, promoted in churches and sold in Christian bookstores.

In this informative talk, Dave skillfully dissects and dismantles a number of these false doctrines. As always, Dave’s erudite and articulate presentation lays bare the foundations of psychology, quoting Scripture, scientists, and occultists alike to illustrate the Satanic origins of modern self-delusion by seducing spirits.