Lighthouse Trails Booklet Set #4 - Christian Living

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  • Item# LT004
  • Author: Various
  • Publisher: Lighthouse Trails Publishing
  • Size: 5 booklets

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 We’re pleased to offer these fantastic booklets from Lighthouse Trails! Each booklet covers a topic in just a few pages and is perfect for personal study or to give to others. These five booklets are available as a set or individually. We hope to feature more in the future.

This set includes all five booklets listed below: YOU ARE THE TEMPLE OF GOD

Broken Vessels for Christ

Harry A. Ironside— H.A. Ironside writes, "God is looking for broken men, for men who have judged themselves in the light of the Cross of Christ. When He wants anything done, He takes up men who have come to an end of themselves, and whose trust and confidence is not in themselves but in God." 10 pp.

Faith Under Fire

Cedric H. Fisher— God's Word gives us examples of faith in the fire, faith in the flood, faith when outnumbered by the enemy, faith when facing an indomitable foe, faith in prison, and many more examples. Every instance of faith thus described is manifested in adversity or great need. This booklet examines these examples in the light of God's Word. 15 pp.

Substitution: He Took Our Place!

Harry A. Ironside— Although the word "substitution" is not in the Bible, it stands for a great truth that runs through the Scriptures from Genesis to Revelation. That is the fact that the Lord Jesus Christ, in infinite grace, took the place of guilt sinners, and made it possible for a holy God to reach out in mercy and save all who would come to Him. 10 pp.

Three Vital Questions On Navigating Discernment

Harry A. Ironside and Paul Proctor— Objection is often raised—even by some sound in the faith—regarding the exposure of error as being entirely negative and of no real edification. But the brethren who assume this attitude forget that a large part of the New Testament, both of the teaching of our blessed Lord Himself and the writings of the apostles, is made up of this very character of ministry. 10 pp.

6 Questions Every Gay Person Should Ask

Michael Tays Carter— Homosexuality was a biblical issue long before it became a political one. This booklet answers six important questions about man's existence and whether or not a God of perfect love exists. Could it be there is a moral God who loves us enough to literally save us from ourselves? 15 pp.